Flair è una delle madie Pacini & Cappellini più richieste.

Discovering the elegance of Pacini & Cappellini designer sideboards

Designer sideboards: every home needs one!

No living room can be truly complete without a sideboard, a fundamental element of any carefully-designed interior. The designer sideboards you can buy today in the best Made in Italy shops are nothing more than an updated version of one of the longest tradition of furniture, which is why they should never be missing!

By purchasing designer sideboards from important brands in the interior design sector, you will be able to keep a connection with the past alive, but looking to the future. After all, thanks to its great versatility, is there anything more functional than a sideboard?

Knowing well how much the public is interested in this kind of product, the famous Italian brand Pacini & Cappellini over the years has proposed very different designer sideboards, which are able to satisfy even the most demanding customers. Interested in learning more or in having a look at our proposals yourself? Hurry up and visit our official website!

The typical Pacini & Cappellini quality characterizes also our designer sideboards

If you want to bring the quality of Made in Italy to your home, our advice is to choose for your living room one of the many designer sideboards included in the Pacini & Cappellini catalogue. The designers who collaborate with the Italian company, one of the best known at international level, in fact, have contributed all their talent to create unique and interesting contemporary style pieces.

In addition to the refined style, the design sideboards by Pacini & Cappellini owe their success among experts in the sector to the top-quality materials employed in their creation. The woods used are the best on the market and vary mainly from solid ash to solid canaletto walnut. There are often metal details and also more original ones in glass and other more unusual materials. 

A fundamental characteristic of the designer sideboards proposed by Pacini & Cappellini is their extreme customisation. Clients can choose from various sizes, compositions and finishes, in order to purchase elements that blend in perfectly with the rest of the room’s furnishings. 

Aurora, Line, Flair, and Milano: discovering three of the most beautiful Pacini & Cappellini designer sideboards

If you are looking for an elegant and refined element, which is able to give a touch of character to your living room, Aurora is the sideboard we suggest. Its distinctive feature is the combination of full doors with grid doors, a detail that has already won over many visitors to our showroom. 

An option with clean and essential lines is represented by Line and Flair, two of the most successful Pacini & Cappellini design sideboards. Its popularity is due to the fact that there is no environment in which this piece of furniture cannot find a place!

Finally, we would like to point out one of our favourite design sideboards: the unique Milano. We are talking about a fully configurable product, characterised by very special doors that will be a great hit with those who love to be surprised by unexpected details. 

Here’s how to get in touch with us for more information about our design sideboards and all the other products in our catalogue.